In How do I search for workouts to program? we go over how to find workouts in some of the available tab menu lists.
When browser workouts via those lists, you'll notice that each Workout Card contains a bunch of numbers and extra info. In this article we'll talk about what each aspect of those Workout Cards mean.
There are 9 different elements to a Workout Card.
Here's what each element means...
1. Workout title
This is the title of the workout. It could be a popular named workout, or it could be an auto-generated btwb title.
2. # of logged results
This is the total number of logged results on btwb.
3. Difficulty rating
This is a number out of 100. It measures the percentage of scaled results for the workout. The higher the difficulty rating, the higher the percentage of scaled results. The lower the difficulty rating, the lower the percentage of scaled results.
4. Action button
Perform various actions on the workout including...
- Plan Workout => allows users to plan the workout to a track
- Use as a Template => allows user to plan a customized version of the workout to a track
- Add/Remove from Bookmarks => adds/removes the workout from the Bookmarks list
- Add/Remove from Hit-list => adds/removes the workout from the Hit List
5. Workout description
This is the full description of the workout.
6. Bookmark icon
If the workout has been added to the Bookmark list, this icon will appear in a bright magenta color. If not, it will appear as a dull magenta color.
7. Hit List icon
If the workout has been added to the Hit List, this icon will appear in a bright orange color. If not, it will appear as a dull orange color.
8. Plan count
This is the # of times the workout has been programmed to your selected track.
9. Last planned date
This is the date the workout last appeared on your selected track