You can change your account's gym association at any time by editing your profile.

Users who are not affiliated with a gym will be placed in our public "main site" gym after creating an account.

If you later join a CrossFit affiliate that pays for their members' subscriptions, here are step by step instructions on how to connect your CrossFit btwb account to your affiliate's page.

**When moving from an individual paying subscription to a gym who pays for their members subscription you will be automatically refunded once you have changed your gym association**

From The Website

First, Edit your profile.

Second, click the Change your gym association link.

Finally, start typing in your gym's name in the text field, and select the correct gym from the list. You will be prompted to enter your Member Code. Every Gym has a member code which your gym owner, coaches, or admin staff should know. By using your Affiliate's code you'll be placed straight into your gym upon creating an account. If you do not know your member code select "send request" and your gym owner will be prompted to accept your request manually.

From The Mobile App (iOS/Android)

Once you have joined your gym you will begin to receive daily WODs, see your gym's activity feed, and be able to engage with friends and get some friendly competition in ;)

Open up your app, slide the side menu open, then select "Settings"

Select Switch Gyms.

Type your new gym's name in the box provided.

Once you have entered your gym's name you will be prompted to enter the member code. Once you have entered the member code you will be placed into your gym. If you do not know the member code you can submit a request to join and your gym owner/coach/admin will have to accept your request. If you are joining a gym that has NOT yet been claimed by your gym owner you do not need to enter a member code.